Monday, January 29, 2007

And again a lot of time has past since I last wrote. And again so much has changed. I have finally found the horse that had been waiting for me, or so I believe. His name is Tom's Thunder and he is an ex-racer who has been off the track for the last two years. He earned almost 500,000 for people. What a wierd concept. It seems to me that horses who win money, should have by law their own bank acct. Similar to the child stars. But I digress.

I simply want to tell you what a joy it is being around this guy. He goes by the barn name Tom, but I usually call him Tombo. Which amazingly enough means Dragonfly in Japanese. Seems a totally fitting name as he is already in the process of transforming me, as well as himself.

When he first arrived on Dec. 4, He fit right in. No weaving as he had done in his other place when stalled. He loves the little kids that wander around with treats. He loves treats mostly, but I think he also enjoys the children. He adores attention, unless he's eating or feeling a nap coming on. What he did not understand was riding in the small indoor (which is large as far as indoors are concerned) with other horses. We have worked on getting comfortable, without forcing him to do things that stress him out. When he gets stressed, there is no reaching him. I wil write later more details about how he is doing.

What this boils down to for the blog, is that I can finally do what really set out to do here. Test products to see how the help or hinder my riding.....Keep in touch.


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