Life is funny, isn't it? I am practicing believing in myself to fulfill my dreams. Figuring out what that means to me, is the hardest part. What do I want in life? in a horse? in my life's work? All answers that should be easily found in one's heart, or so it seems. I am not finding them clearly. I know that I want a horse. One that is sound/sane/athletic/willing/happy/beautiful/tall. Is that being too narrow? I would like to write inspirational stories or thoughts in regards to my experiences, as a way to benefit the whole through my experiencing that which I love. Perhaps because I want this badly, when I go to write about my experiences with the horses in my life, it comes out flat. There is no depth. So I ask myself, is this desire to write simply an ego request to find it's way into the world?
A Course in Miracles says "Those who are certain of the outocme can afford to wait and without anxiety." When I step back and sit in certainty that I will fulfill the role for which I was born, I am okay with that. But there is a part of me that at least would like to know I am working towards that role. I know that the one thing I love to do without end is learn about horses. And to learn about spirituality. More than anything, I would like to combine the two so that I can inspire others to feel the God force within themselves by hearing about my life learnings through horses. And so I trust that the Universe will provide for me the circumstances to fulfill this desire. If it does not, my role to inspire will need to come through other means. But in the mean time I need to write. I need to put together my spirituality in the role that horses already play in my life. And I need to send those writings in to places that will enjoy them....
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