Friday, May 05, 2006

Prior to working at the tack shop, I assumed that if I worked there, everything would come home with me. However, it's been just the opposite. Besides buying some bell boots, I haven't purchased anything. It is still the same scenerio as when I'd go in with some extra money. The amount I had to spend rarely added up to as much as sum price of all the things I wanted. And I seemed to be unable to narrow down the wants, so ended up with nothing. This may reflect my tendency towards ambiguity. (Which can be a hindrance to riding well.) But I like to think of it as thrifty, which I heard yesterday stemmed from the meaning "to thrive." If ambiguity has a negative influence, how does being thrifty effect my riding? My intrepretation is, as a thriving individual I rely on my own devices, rather than searching for a product to miraculously shape me into a perfect rider.


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