Since attending the Equine Myofascial Release workshop, I can not stop thinking about how fruitless it is to have bodywork done on either our own bodies or our horses, without doing the other. As mirrors of each other, wouldn't the changes in one be wiped out when the two get together again? Although while writing that, it dawns on me that perhaps it would have the opposite effect. One gets bodywork done, and the other follows those changes. For this to take place, I would bet a lot of concentration would need to take place. Meaning that we humans would need to pay attention to what feels different after our horse gets work done. And to be attentive to following that change, rather than changing them back to the old holding pattern. (Although maybe it makes even more sense to get work done on our human bodies, and the horse would most likely follow without the mind set of forcing it to take place....)
How would we, as humans, do that? This is where becoming more and more self-aware comes in to play. Are you able to feel when you tip forward (my most common fault)? or sideways? Is your left leg longer than the other? Or vice versa? It is not an easy task, nor is it something you learn from reading a book or a blog. However, reading does open up pathways of your mind, which in turn may stimulate greater awareness, which often opens up to greater understanding. All is interconnected. There is no knowing what comes first.
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