Friday, May 12, 2006

Although I've read it before, the idea finally really sunk in yesterday. Mary Wanless says that there is conditioned responses and instinctual. (I am going to use my own language so I truly interpret my own meaning.) A conditioned response would be a learned one, such as when a horse learns to follow the cue of picking up a canter when the rider does such and such. An instinctive response is one that the horse can not easily avoid due to the balance and "set-up" of the rider. So my new goal is to ride in such a manner that I provoke instinctive responses rather than conditioned. And this would be done, not be following a prescribed leg here-hand there. But by fully engaging all of my body, weight, mind and balance in order to bring the horse to carry himself instinctively well. This idea is newly forming in my brain, so it will take some time to translate it, both by words and on a horse.

How to make it a goal is a question, for how would I determine that it has been accomplished?


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